Monday, August 25, 2014

Homeschooling week 2

So it has begun!!!! Week 2 of homeschooling and no one has died! Can you imagine that? Miriam is getting better at recognizing her letters and spelling words on her own little by little.

Some of the best gems from today were when we were discussing prayer and I asked her what she thinks about when she prays to Jesus. "Mama Mary." "That's nice sweetie, but is Jesus there too?" "Of course," she said. "He is sitting on Mama Mary's lap." "Oh, it's baby Jesus you see." I said. "Yep, and John the Baptist is there too, but he is just dunking people under water."

Then we were discussing a classical painting of Heaven and I wanted her to identify Jesus, Mary, and God the Father. She correctly pointed to Jesus and Mary and then looked confused, pointing to Jesus again. "But Jesus is God, Mom." I smiled. "That's true, but in this picture, God is the older man with the world in his hands. But you are right, Jesus is God." She gave me another look, "It's complicated Mom."

All in all, I think we are enjoying ourselves so far. The best was today when I had Miriam copy the word Angel, and she did so well! I will include a picture. Our adventures continue in the Kenny house.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Homeschooling adventures

So a quick note about life. I'm going to attempt to start homeschooling Miriam with the Seaton Pre school program starting in a few weeks.

I'm not sure how well I will do, but I'm taking it one day at a time.

I will update with pictures and progress when I can. Pray for us. Also, any advice you can offer for our homeschooling journey, I will take. :)

On a completely unrelated note, Brendan and I watched the movie "Warm Bodies" tonight. It had some crazy good religious undertones which I will try to write more about later. If you haven't seen it, please do.

I leave you with some family pictures from a photo shoot at St. Hubert's.