So here I sit, 25 weeks 4 days pregnant, or better yet, lay down, and think about my whirlwind of a week. I have been to labor and delivery three times in the last five days with pre-term contractions, and one of those was on my 32nd birthday!! Let's just sum it up to say I'm tired, sore, and oh so cranky. Starting earlier in the week my contraction were 10-20 minutes apart, Wednesday they were 5 minutes apart, Thursday 3-5 minutes, Friday after starting 3 different medications we got them down to 7-10 minutes apart!!!! I was just about to jump for joy, then I woke up this morning with contraction 5 minutes apart again.
If you are reading this thinking, Braxton Hicks, no big deal. These are NO Braxton Hicks. Imagine engaging your entire abdominal core and back muscles for a whole minute, every five minutes, 24 hours a day, non stop. You can't breathe well, you can't eat, you feel sick, and you just want the pain to stop. My stomach is literally bruising from the constant contractions and I'm tired. Pre-term contractions started with both James and Chiara, but not this early and not this intense.
I think for me, part of the problem is that my uterus starts to contract and because of my Cerebral Palsy and stroke spasms, my entire abdomen and back muscles follow suite. Think of trying to do a sit-up, again and again and again without stopping. Then keep going. The result is one cranky mommy.
The other frustrating thing is my cervix doesn't change, it never does, I barely had a vaginal delivery with Miriam because my cervix would rather spasm shut then dilate, and I can abrupt (James' delivery) and the baby's heart rate can decrease (Chiara's delivery) but yet my cervix never changes! And the contractions don't let up. It's like being in active labor for 8-12 weeks. I don't like it at all.
This craziness is on top of my physical therapy from my stroke, my bed rest, and my head/neck injury from the bag falling on my head on the plane. Let's just say, I've had easier years.
I tell you this so you know that a human life is worth the sweat, toil and tears. That every life is precious, and we cannot wait to hold little Therese Helen in our arms in a few months. We ask for prayers during the next few months, and this sweet girl will be here by Thanksgiving!