Thursday, September 5, 2013

Time marches on

Seriously it seems like I blink and it has been months since my last post. And boy how things have changed.

We are currently 16 weeks pregnant with baby #3. This was quite unexpected and out of left field, but we are ecstatic non the less.  I know most people reading this think we are crazy with all my health problems and complications that we would be even open to more children. But we are. Children are the greatest blessing that God can bestow upon a family, and we welcome any additions with open arms and a joyous heart.

That doesn't mean everything is wine and roses in the meantime. Wine, oh how I miss thee. :)  Everything about pregnancy is hard for me; the mobility, the sickness, the liver problems, the sub chronic hemorrhage, the possibility of pre-e and abruption again, and the bed rest.

So yes, rough roads are ahead, but we have gotten through so much worse, we will survive this as well.

We will take all the prayers we can get right now. What's the saying, "we make too much for help, but too little to get by." This is us right now, caught in a very strange place and trying to work out the kinks. We will get through it, but need prayers.

The kids are getting so big and we love it here in Minnesota. Brendan loves his job and we are blessed with a new life once again.

I have also been humbled by having to hire a nanny. We love her and she is excellent with the kids, it just kills me not being able to take care of my kids by myself. Between my disability, stroke, bed rest and pregnancy, this mommy doesn't leave the couch much. I wish things were different, but this is the reality of our life right now.

So keep praying, call if you get the chance (I always love to talk) and keep reading for all the exciting upcoming twists and turns of our life ahead.

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