Tuesday, August 30, 2011

All about Clomid, Femara, and Licorice Root

Today I wanted to talk about the wonderful drug that we used to get pregnant with little miss Miriam. It was clomid. Clomid is used to stimulate ovulation and produce better eggs in order to get pregnant. Clomid can be taken either CD 3-7 or CD 5-9. It comes in 50mg, 100 mg, and 150mg doses.  Days 3-7 produce more, but less mature eggs and days 5-9 produce less eggs but they are more mature.  So doctors will try a few cycles one way, and if that doesn't work, they will switch to other days. The downside of clomid is that it thins the lining of the uterus (after multiple uses) and drys up cervical fluid, which is essential for conception. The other side effect of clomid is emotional instability, also sometimes affectionately referred to as the "clomid crazies." This side effect is usually seen in higher doses and prolonged use. I've heard it's like PMS on crack.

Although I would not trade Miriam for world, I wish we had a Naprotechnology doctor sooner, because then we would have figured out the underlining infertility issue (which we are still working on) instead of getting pregnant right away with clomid and having to deal with the underlining issue now that we are trying to have another child.

Femara is a cancer drug that is off labeled to be used like clomid for ovulation stimulation. It is also taken days 3-7 or 5-9 of your cycle. The doses are 2.5mg, 5mg, and 7.5mg.  It has none of crazy side effects of uterus thinning, cervical dry up, or emotional instability. The usual side effects are headaches and hot flashes. It is not as widely used as clomid because it is still off labeled as a fertility drug and not enough testing has been done.  The process that a drug needs to go through to be approved by the FDA is quite extensive, and right now I don't believe femara being approved as an infertility drug is top priority. There is also a chance of birth defects and miscarriage (as is the case for most non-FDA approved drugs in the fertility realm) If clomid has not worked for you, please do some research and ask your doctor about prescribing femara.

Last but not least is licorice root. I don't have any real science to back up my claims here except for one study. But with all the fertility forums and sites on the internet, I do think there is something to licorice root stimulating ovulation. Here is the one study I was talking about, http://medherb.com/Materia_Medica/Glycyrrhiza_-_Licorice_root_and_testosterone.htm  The one real side effect to licorice root is that prolonged use can raise a persons blood pressure. I think if you are only taking it 5 days during a cycle, it shouldn't do much harm, but always ask your doctor if you have questions or concerns. Licorice root should also be taken cycle days 3-7 or 5-9 to stimulate ovulation. The dosing is a little tricky. Since there is no hard science, I've had to experiment. I started out with one pill (420mg) 3 times a day for one cycle, taken days 3-7. I saw no change with ovulating earlier or stronger. The next cycle I upped it to two pills (420mg) 3 times a day with no change. I finally settled at three pills (420mg) 3 times a day, taken days 3-7. I have stayed at this dose for 5 cycles now, have had ovulation pains and ovulate between CD 13-15, right where I should.

These remedies are all in line with Catholic teaching, so if you have been trying for some time to get pregnant with no luck please ask your doctor about these options. The licorice root is something I did on my own, but it is best to run it by your doctor first.

I hope this sheds some light on a few options to try, and if there are any others out there, please feel free to share! I always love doing more research on ways to help and improve fertility.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Why I love NFP

I really have to be more consistent regarding updating this blog. Here I go, trying once again. Before I get into the topic I want to discuss today, I thought an update on myself would be proper. We are on 9 cycles of trying without a positive pregnancy test, and believe me, I test often!

I went to the doctor on August 9th, and we decided to try a few new things. First, even though my thyroid tested fine, what it breaks down into (T3 and T4) were on the low end of normal, and my doctor said that in and of itself can be causing infertility. So if you are experiencing infertility please ask your doctor to test your T3 and T4 not just your thyroid, because that could be causing the problem. So, I started on thyroid medication last week. The second medication we are also trying is called Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN). Endorphin deficiency can also cause infertility and LDN enables your body to produce more natural endorphins which helps infertility. LDN has been used by Naprotechnology doctors for years to help infertile couples get pregnant. Here is a link with more information: www.fertilitycare.net/documents/LDNInfo_000.pdf

So even though we are still not pregnant, I feel confident that we are on the right track to fix all the crazy hormones in my body, and that we will be pregnant soon.

Now on to the topic I wanted to discuss. Natural Family Planning (NFP.) I have read too many articles in the past month bashing NFP and saying if you use NFP you will get pregnant. I believe there are way too many myths floating around out there that need to be addressed. The NFP of today is NOT the Rhythm method! NFP today is scientific and 98% effective if a couple chooses to use it as birth control. I have heard a lot of people saying that because a couple has a big family and they use NFP, then NFP must not work. Has anyone ever considered that the couple wanted a big family and that each child was planned? I know 4 different NFP methods off the top of my head, and there might be more.

My husband and I currently are using the Sympto-thermic method. This method requires me to take my temperature at the same time each morning and chart my cervical fluid. You can even choose to go more in depth and chart your cervix height and feel. And since we are trying to get pregnant, I also back up my observations by using an ovulation predictor kit to pin point ovulation. Doctors used to believe that every woman had a 28 day cycle and they ovulated on cycle day 14. A lot of secular doctors still believe this, but most doctors now know better. While 28 day cycles are ideal, most women do not fall into this category.  In my six years of charting, my shortest cycle was 21 days and my longest was 34. I can ovulate anywhere from cycle day 12 to cycle day 21.

Once a woman starts charting, they can detect their own pattern, and what their body is telling them, without the craziness of artificial birth control. It is so sad to me to read of the women that were told that the pill was the only way to make their cycles regular. So these woman have been taking the pill since they were teenagers, now 10-15 years later are ready to start a family and are struggling with infertility due to prolonged use of the pill.

As a Catholic, I don't believe NFP should be used as birth control, but in spacing children (for grave and serious reasons) NFP is just as affective as the pill.

And guess what? Not only is NFP good "birth control" it is also great in helping achieve a pregnancy for couples that are struggling. Naprotechnology and NFP have helped many "infertile" couples get pregnant. By knowing your body and when you ovulate (or even if you ovulate) helps couples target the right time to try and eventually get pregnant. The actual percentage of true infertility is very low, most of the time it is a simple hormone imbalance or sluggish ovulation. These things can be fixed without the need of spending thousands of dollars and dealing with the moral implications of InVitro Fertilization (IVF).

This post was meant to shed some positive light on the greatness of NFP.  It is a wonder that more people don't embrace NFP. NFP gives you a control and authority over your life that the pill could never give. You know EXACTLY what is happening in your body on a given day and with some practice, lets you know if there is a problem you should bring to your doctor.

I would think people would be jumping at this chance to learn more. In case you are, let me refer you to a great NFP book. It's called Taking Charge of Your Fertility. They practice the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM), which is NFP for the secular world. There are chapters in there that speak of birth control and barriers and avoiding. These are NOT in line with Catholic teaching! So just skip these chapters when reading. I can't condone these chapters, but the author presents the rest of the book in a clear straight forward manner.

Natural Family Planning empowers women and does more good for families and infertility then today's society wants you to believe. So give it a chance, it might change your life.

And wouldn't you want someone as cute as this someday?!


Friday, July 15, 2011

Long break and busy life

I didn't even realize that my last post was a month and a half ago. Where has the time gone?

Well June was filled with anniversaries and birthday parties. June 6th, I celebrated 2 wonderful years of marriage with my husband. And June 19th, our baby girl turned 1. Time goes by so quickly, now she is toddling all around our little apartment. :) It's times like this that I miss holding her in my arms as a newborn, and very much pray everyday that we can give her a sibling.

Before I dive into charts and emotions, I wanted to share some picture from our anniversary and Miriam's birthday party.
This is the view from our hotel balcony. That was a fun trip! Thanks honey!

This is Miriam's Cupcake Cake. I spent many hours baking, putting together, and frosting.  A slight masterpiece if I do say so myself. :) Plus it was very tasty!!!!
Her cake face says it all, we have one happy baby!

So when my life hasn't been consumed with chasing after a crazy one year old, we are still actively trying to conceive with no luck. I think I am either 7 or 8 cycles trying to conceive, and I have to admit that I'm a bit tired.

We pray, we try, we hope, we pray some more and every cycle ends in my period and very deflated hopes. So then I try not "trying" and then I freak out even more because what if we missed our window, have we wasted another 30 days?

I don't think I've ever linked my chart here, so those of you who love to analyse charts or follow my progress here you go:


So where am I today? I'm 6 days past ovulation and not feeling well. Because I have been diagnosed  with low progesterone, I have to take progesterone supplements peak +3 to peak +13 and then test on 14 days past ovulation. And progesterone make you feel pregnant, each and every cycle. The low appetite, the yucky tummy, the beyond tired feeling. You just feel drained and you can't get excited about any of it, because it doesn't mean you're pregnant. Very frustrating.

Before signing off today I wanted to mention an amazing Catholic NFP forum that you would be silly not to join if you love NFP type forums. This one is true to the Church, so no crazy stuff to make a baby, and they offer a lot of support and prayers, a great group of Catholic women. Registration is free, and you won't regret becoming a part of this amazing online forum!


I think that does it for today. Keep the Faith, keep trying, never give up hope, and realize the amazing plans God has in store for your life!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

The more I think of the title of my blog, "Hearts and Windmills" I see distinct parts. Hearts are the joy filled moments of love and life. Windmills take time and effort and take a lot of patience, they are the crosses and struggles. My fertility seems to fall in the windmill category a lot more often then I would like, hoping I can switch that mindset in the future.  I decided that this post needed to be focused on the positive. Not perfect cycles with no pregnancy in sight nor the sorrow of starting a new cycle once again.

So the good things are that Miriam is getting so BIG!!!! She will be a year on June 19th, and I am diligently planning her cupcake themed birthday bash in the park! Hollywood stars eat your heart out! You have nothing on this "momarazzi." Lol.

Even through the disappointment of a new cycle, I was looking at my post pregnancy charts and my cycles look GOOD! Really good, so we are praying that it is only a matter of time. 3 months or 3 years, it's in God's hands, we just have to put in the effort...and we are!

Today is Memorial Day and we want to thank the men and women who have served and honor those who died keeping us free! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

We will be going to a BBQ this afternoon and Miriam had a blast at the park this morning.

I will leave you with the reason why I want a large family and why not getting pregnant easily is so heartbreaking. I want more bundles of joy!!!! Miriam makes me want to have 10 kids!


Monday, May 23, 2011

Darn you triphasic message, darn you!!!!

So today's title says it all. I went to enter my temperature into my chart this morning and the software gave me a triphasic message. What is triphasic you may ask? Triphasic is when you have 3 separate temperature shifts. One is before you ovulate, the next is after you ovulate and the third is around 7-10 days past ovulation when implantation usually occurs. Now you can be pregnant with or without a triphasic message, but a triphasic message is usually a really good sign that you might be pregnant.

The triphasic message shows up and reads that today would be a good day to take a pregnancy test. I'm only 12 days past ovulation but I think what the hay, why not. Well it was negative, really really negative. I could squint until tomorrow and it would still be negative! I think I disappointed myself because I was going to wait til at least Wednesday to test. But I tested early because of that silly message.

I should mention that a person can have a triphasic cycle and not be pregnant, so that is also a possibility, but I'm hoping and praying for my positive test!

On a lighter note, Miriam has been up since 6 am with 2 very short naps. Wow, what a LONG Monday for momma! Do moms get vacation? How about paid time off? I think I need to strike for better benefits. :)

Miriam's first birthday is right around the corner and I think I might try my hand at baking her cake and cupcakes as well, we will see how THAT turns out!! So any encouragement or helpful tips would be most appreciated!! We are going with a cupcake theme at the park so ideas are also welcome.

That is today in a nutshell. God please lighten my heart and let me find humor in Mondays.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Where I Began

My journey really begins in July 2007 when I started charting. I have always been a practicing Catholic and never wanted to resort to birth control to solve my cycle issues. The pill can cause more damage then good, so I've always stayed away from it, but that is for another post someday. Since I didn't know any pro life doctors, I figured I needed to get a handle on what my body was telling me, so I started charting. The cheapest and most informative thing I could find was Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler. While this is a secular author, (I skipped the chapters on using it as birth control and the like) she teaches the sympto-thermic method of Natural Family Planning (NFP) and just calls it the Fertility Awareness Method instead. I also bought the charting software for $40 and it hasn't let me down. The only downside is you have to have a PC to use it, the software doesn't work on a Mac. She has come up with online charting, but I find it to be unreliable with lots of bugs that need working out.

So where does all of this leave me? With a lot of information and no one to share it with! This is one of the reasons I started this blog. I was charting for about a year when I was looking at my charts with some concern. My cycles were about 27 days long. I ovulated around cycle day (CD) 20 and my periods showed up 7 days later. I knew I was dealing with some kind of luteal phase defect. Also, every 3 cycles were anovulatory, meaning I didn't ovulate every cycle. With low temperatures after ovulation ad brown bleeding before and at the end of my periods, I also knew I had low progesterone.

My next step was to go to my doctor. I wasn't married yet, not having sex, but really wanted to see if I could be proactive about my situation. My doctor laughed at me. I tried showing her my charts and asked for a progesterone test, but she said that I was worrying over nothing, and I should wait until I get married to fix my cycles. :(

Well, June 2009, I did get married to the man of my dreams who found me on a Catholic dating website. We both want a big family so we started trying right away. The cycle we were married turned out to be anovulatory...boo, we were hoping for a honeymoon baby.

My August/September cycle of 2009 was hard because I spotted for 4 days before actually getting my period. I really thought I was pregnant. I went to my new doctor (we were married and in California now) and she also laughed at my charts. But after constant nagging, she said she would do a progesterone test on Peak + 7 of my next cycle. She only ran 3 things but I'm glad she did. My Prolactin was 11. My TSH was 2.38. And my progesterone was 6.1. For anyone who doesn't know, for progesterone after ovulation, that is low. Most doctors say they like to see 10 or above. My wonderful NFP doctor now wants to see 15 or above.

My doctor at the time said progesterone wasn't needed to maintain a pregnancy, but you need it high enough to conceive in the first place. So her solution...clomid. Clomid is a fertility drug that stimulates ovulation. This is okay under Catholic Church teaching because you are not separating the procreative and unitive aspects of the marital act. Because clomid stimulates ovulation, it also raises your progesterone by default. That cycle I was on 50mg of Clomid, CD 3-7. By the grace of God that got things moving enough that we conceived our daughter that cycle and got a positive pregnancy test on October 31st, 2009. We started supplementing with Prometrium to keep my progesterone up until 16 weeks of pregnancy.

January 2010 we switched health insurance and have been going to a very pro life, pro charting, Naprotechnology doctor (Dr. D) ever since. 

Miriam Kenny was born on June 19th, 2010 at 36 weeks due to me developing Cholestasis of Pregnancy, which I will also post about at a later date.  I stopped breastfeeding in December 2010 and got my very pretty cycles back in January 2011. 

We have been actively trying to conceive our next baby since January 2011. So far 5 beautiful cycles and still no luck. My progesterone is still a little low (11) and my thyroid is a little sluggish. 

Here is our current plan of action:
  • Low carb, low sugar, high good fats diet (any suggestions would be most welcome)
  • Optivite PMT vitamin until confirmed pregnancy, then back to a prenatal
  • 800mg Folic Acid
  • 500mg vitamin C
  • 2000mg Fish Oil
  • 5000mg Vitamin D
  • 1200mg Calcium 
  • 400mg Prometrium from Peak +3-12 then test on Peak +16
So overall I think this is a good introduction and I will post again soon.