Sunday, September 3, 2023

Hoping to grow our Family 9.3.23

 Life has been pretty crazy over here. In the middle of everything, we have been trying and praying for another soul on this Earth. Well, God has given me an even bigger cross. I need uterine repair surgery. Surgery is scheduled for November 10th. 67 days away. We can start trying again January 10th,  2024. I turned 40 in August and I feel like time is slipping away. I need the surgery, so we will be avoiding, we’ve avoided for longer before. But this all feels absurd to me. We have been trying for 2.5 years with not even a hint of a positive. Yet now we need to avoid so I can get uterine repair surgery in 2 months. It’s not even likely we can even conceive in that time, but again, I need the surgery. Praying for a miracle. Praying for a successful surgery and quick recovery and I’m praying that we can have one or two more babies here on this Earth. Life is already pretty hard. Now we just get to add more struggles to a complicated situation. I’m just going to pray for patience and fortitude and pray for our miracle baby or babies. The relic of St. Jude is coming to St. Joe’s on Sept. 21st. I won’t miss it for anything. Saint of desperate and impossible circumstances! He is the Saint I need right now. We need a miracle to heal me and a miracle to have any more babies. St. Jude, pray for me. St. Gianna, pray for me. Our Lady of the Milk Grotto, pray for me,