Sunday, February 19, 2023

Attempting to write again

 It’s been forever. 6 kids here on Earth, 3 miscarriages, nearly 14 years of marriage, job changes, moving houses, Covid, a new brace, new goals, life.

So much has happened. I’m going to be 40 this year. How is that possible?! I think this is going to be more of stream of conscious for awhile until I get the hang of it again, or fall off the face of the earth. Lol. 

I want to be a Saint. Full stop. I want my husband and kids to be Saints as well. How does one accomplish that when you have so much working against you? Family of origin, original sin, actual sin, years of habits, anger, a short fuse, you name it, I have it. But I keep trying. I keep praying and going to Mass and confession. I keep loving my kids and asking for forgiveness when I fail, which is often. 

I need to find a way to become a Saint while living in a broken world with a very weary soul. I yearn for more babies here on Earth, I long for a peaceful family, I wonder if my time here on Earth will get me to Heaven, because that is the goal. One day at a time, one hour, one minute.

I lost a dear friend recently, and she is my reminder that I want and need to be a saint. I miss her terribly, she was such a great mom and friend and woman of God. I pray for her intercession often. I want to see her again, I want to see my babies again, soon. But not yet. I have a lot of work left to do and I pray everyday that I can leave a mark on this world like she did. 

That’s it for today. Until next time, which I hope will be soon. God bless!

Andrea Kenny, aspiring Saint

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