Saturday, April 13, 2013

FPIES is at it again

Even though we are dealing with 20% FPIES or so the doctor believes, it still manages to put a big dent in our evening plans. Last weekend we went to the Mall and James devoured a plate of french fries from the restaurant with no ill affects.

So throughout the week as we sat down for dinner we put James in the high chair to munch on fries. Last night he had crinkle cut fries from Target which was a change from the skinny fries also from Target.

My happy go lucky boy ate two or three french fries, he was fine and playing, until 2 hours later. He started coughing, then vomiting, then dry heaving off and on for the next few hours. Poor little James.

That made for a very long night last night. Going in to check on him every time he made a sound to make sure he wasn't vomiting again, and then setting up the pack and play in our room, because I wanted to be there fast if something happened. So we got through the night and he woke up today like nothing had happened. Really?! I do hate FPIES. I wish we could do something besides this trial and error stuff, because it's starting to grate on my nerves.

So we bit the bullet today and made our own fries, praying it wasn't the potatoes that he had a reaction to. Just potato, olive oil and a little salt. Now we wait and see, although he only ate a quarter of a fry, so I'm not sure that would be enough for any reaction whatsoever.

I will keep you all updated if we try something new, but I have a feeling we will be sticking to only fries for the foreseeable future. I am calling on Monday to get him into be seen at the feeding clinic and the gastrointestinal specialist. Small steps at a time, and today James is a happy healthy boy.

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